I may be the last person in the book-blogging world to mention it, but Book Blogger Appreciation Week is such a cool idea, and I've been looking forward to jumping in with both feet come September 14. (I had a moment of panic that I would still be in rural, internet-free New Hampshire on the 14th, but no worries; I'll be home.) What I DIDN'T expect was that Evening All Afternoon would be nominated for several awards! Thank you so much to whoever put my name in for Best General Review Blog, Best Writing, Best Name (credit to Wallace Stevens on that one), and Best Post. I know the people I nominated for those categories are forces to be reckoned with, so I'm in good company.
I thought this would be a good opportunity finally to do the meme associated with BBAW:
What has been one of the highlights of blogging for you?
Everyone has been answering this with "Meeting other book bloggers," and that has definitely been a big highlight for me as well - getting to know other smart readers and talk with them about books. But for the sake of a little originality, I thought I'd mention another highlight: getting more out of my reading. Since starting Evening All Afternoon, I've found that taking the time to write about my reading material means that I engage more completely with the books while I'm reading, get more out of them as a result, and remember them more clearly for longer after the fact. So, enriching my own experience of literature: definitely a plus!
What blogger has helped you out with your blog by answering questions, linking to you, or inspiring you?
Well, he's not exactly a blogger at this point, but my partner David deserves a huge thank-you for designing this beautiful site for me (and even doing the charcoal drawings!). Once I started actually writing here, Claire and Richard were among the first to reach out and make me feel at home in the book-blogging world. Thanks, guys!
What one question do you have about BBAW that someone who participated last year could answer?
I don't have a clear idea of how this will go, but I don't think I need any specific questions answered - I'm just looking forward to jumping in and enjoying the ride!
Congrats Emily! All well-deserved nominations, and I bet you will find yourself shortlisted just as many times as nominated. I thoroughly enjoy your insights and erudition as well as the sense of camaraderie you so easily and joyfully encourage. Good luck.
Emily, you so deserve it! Raising my hand for nominating you. I just love everything about your blog, aesthetic- and content-wise, not to mention the perfect title. :)
Oh and I wish I had voted after you wrote your "On Writing about Reading" post. I would've voted for that. (There's always next year. :D)
Congratulations Emily! You certainly deserve all four of those nominations.
Emily, congrats on all those nominations (all well-deserved, as the others have pointed out)! On a more personal note, I was happy to hear that I was one of the first to make you feel at home in the blogging world--a huge irony since your blog has always been so inspiring to me (hence, making me feel at home in a way) since I first discovered it. Continued best wishes for all your blogging and non-blogging endeavors!
I forgot to mention that I've had a similar experience as you with blogging--writing about my reading leading to a greater engagement with the reading itself. I don't know why this should surprise me, but it did for some reason. P.S. Almost done with 2666's "The Part About the Crimes." Say what you will about the subject matter, the writing in that book just keeps getting better and better! Damn!
Congrats on your nominations! I'm also finding myself wondering what else I have that week! Looking forward to it as well.
Congratulations on your nominations! Hope you find your secret nominators.
Good luck on getting on the short list.
Congrats on the nominations, and I agree completely with everything you say about the highlights of blogging. I'm continually amazed at the great people I've come to know through blogging, and I also love how writing about books makes me think about them more carefully. Blogging is a wonderful thing!
What amazes me is all of the bloggers that I'm discovering through BBAW. This community is HUGE! Congrats on your nominations. How fun!
You guys are all so sweet! Thank you for the encouraging, nice words. And Claire, thanks a million for the nomination(s)!
Congratulations Emily! The book blogging commmunity is amazing, and I'm glad to have met you through it. :)
Hi Emily, would love to get in touch to swap blog details for BBAW but cannot find an email address for you. Mine is attached. Guy (Pursewarden)